Eternally Cursed – Chapter 2.7 Love’s Reunion

Gen 2 FC

24th July 2035

My heart plummeted to the floor as I heard my fathers frantic voice from Holly’s phone.

My mother was taken. And anyone with a brain would immediately suspect Isabella. And I worked for her. I couldn’t feel any worse then I did right then.


“Yeah Dad…I’ll be there soon.”My sister urged, her eyes pleaded with me before she turned away from me. I knew what she wanted. For me to go home and be with my family when they needed me. But could I really do that?

“Give me the phone Sis.” I suddenly blurted. I heard the Oak? from the phone. Now I had to talk to him.


With unshed tears in her eyes Holly handed her phone over to me. A small smile on her own.

“Thanks. He needs this Oak. He needs you. Especially now.” She dropped the warm phone into my cold hand. I was so far away from my father, but I hadn’t felt so close to him in ages.Screenshot-4

I hesitated, as I held the phone closer. What if he didn’t want to talk to me after my sudden disappearance. Especially now that Mum was in danger.

Holly nodded to me again and smiled, mouthing ‘Go on’ to me. So I nervously placed the phone to my ear.



What on Earth? Where have you been? Why is Holly with you? Do you have ANY idea what your actions did to your mother? To me?” He blurted so fast I could hardly make him out. But still…I could hear the love in his voice.

“I know Dad…I had to go away for a bit. It took years for Mum to come to term with her powers, and I hope you can respect me for handling it my own way.”


We’ll discuss this later, right now I need you and your sister here.”

I wanted to tell him no. But then how could I considering what he must be going through? And Holly was glaring at me in warning. So I agreed.

Looks like I’m going home.


I felt physically ill as I looked upon my waiting family in the home I grew up in. So many happy memories…And my mother was in all of them.

And seeing how much Calvin my best friend, my brother had grown without me also set me back. I should have been here. My pride just wouldn’t let me admit that.

“Any news?” I asked, noticing how Calvin was more distressed by how upset Holly was. So I guess they really were together. Or at least the feelings hadn’t died out.


“None. The only lead we have is Fern and her vibes.” My father informed, his eyes filled with pain so  clear I felt crushed for him. My sister looked no better.

“I should have seen this coming! Damn it, why do I only get these stupid vibes AFTER bad things happen?” She cried, looking at me…Now she felt guilt too. I wanted to erase all of their grief, but how could I?


Before Holly had even taken a step towards Calvin (Let’s be honest we all knew what she was headed for) Fern had bounded into my arms and was sobbing hysterically.

“I MET him Oak, the guy who took her sat beside me, and I didn’t even know! Why couldn’t I tell he was a creep!” She sobbed while I held her. My poor sister.


After a few minutes she pulled away still sobbing with her eyes down. How she thought she could stop this, I’d never know. What I didn’t get, was why hadn’t she told everyone who I worked for? Why didn’t she blame me?

“It’s ok Sis, I’ll get her back, you know how determined I get when I want something.”

“You mean stubborn?” She remarked, but smiled briefly. “I know you will Bro.”


I looked over and Holly was now sobbing into Calvin’s arms. The guilt that had gnawed away at me since I left was finally residing, they’ll be ok.

“Can we talk outside?” Dad asked me, expressionless. Like I was a stranger.

Gulping, I opened the door and nodded.


I felt his gaze on me, piercing into me. He was so mad, if I could combust into sudden flames, I would have done. No way would I be welcomed back here.

“I brought Holly back safe. Don’t punish her, she just found out I was still here tonight like you. I’ll be out of your lives now.” I told him taking a step forward.

“So that’s just it? You got AWOL for the best part of 4 years and then just leave again? Do you have any idea how worried we were about you?”


I turned around, expecting for us to at least fight this out before I left. So be it.

“I can. And don’t for a second think I felt bad for leaving without a word. But it was a sudden thing. I messed up and I was a scared child back then. Since then I’ve matured, the hard way I know. But I have. I like who I am, and I won’t come back if you expect me to change.”


Then he surprised me by placing his hands supporting on my shoulder.

“Oak, I have been proud of you from the moment you looked up at me and smiled on the day of your birth. You’ve made mistakes by the plenty growing up but you ALWAYS learn from them and make them right. I would NEVER disown or judge you.”

I smiled for a moment before averting my gaze. “I don’t think you would support me with this. Even I feel disgusted with myself.”


He taped me once on the shoulder reassuringly, and smiled.

“Nothing is unforgivable. Not in my mind. I know the pain of losing a father, and I won’t put you through that. We’ll deal with whatever your worried about later…Right now you need to be here for us. Ok?”

“Ok.” I beamed, hardly being able to contain how happy I was. I would stay for a few hours…And then go straight to Isabella and demand to know what’s going on.


Whatever that creep injected into me, knocked me out instantly, and when I finally managed to overcome whatever drug he used, panic overwhelmed me.

I’d been in a cell before, and I did NOT want to go back to that. Ever.


I figured seeing as I am a Vampire now, I could easily break free, however that was not the case. No matter what I did, the bars would not bend. Crap.

“Let me out, you creep!” I cried over and over until I heard a door open and close from above. I braced myself for attack.


At least until I noticed that the girl in front of me was not my captor…Or a Vampire for that matter.

“You’re a human?” I asked in shock.

She nodded. “Regrettably so. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you in the flesh Elizabeth.” She stated, the fact she knew my name on puzzled me further.


The human looked me over and her expression turned…Puzzled. Much like mine I suspected.

“You really have no idea what’s going on do you? That bitch really did separate them at birth..”

“What bitch? And whose they? And who are you for a matter of fact!” Yeah it was a lot of questions, but damn it I deserved answers and she was being extremely cryptic.


“Easiest answer first. My name is Miracle, and believe it or not, I’m your sister in law.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. It just happened so suddenly. “Ok, you are CRAZY! You are not my sister in anyway, because Mason was an only child!”


She sighed, but her face was still annoyingly perky. “His parents told him that, yes. But Mason was born a twin, only his younger brother Lukas was snatched from the hospital only a few hours after birth. The Vampire bitch that took him, then edited everyone’s memory of the event…They all believed Lukas had died.”

It was such an absurd and unbelievable story…How could I accept that? But still I found myself considering it… “Would that bitch be named Isabella?” I asked. It sounded like something she would do.


“So you’ve met? That makes things a hell of a lot easier. Yes, Isabella. For some reason, she wanted the twins separated so she could use Lukas to bring you together if needed.” She verified. Yeah, sounds like something she would do.

If only Mason knew he had a brother… “And how would he use Lukas to hurt Mason?” I asked.


“…By killing me if he doesn’t kill Mason.” She admitted quietly..I could tell by the way she recoiled that I had taken a hostile stance.

“If she so much as comes near my husband-“

“He won’t.” She interrupted. “He doesn’t want to kill his brother. Well…He did. But I managed to make him see sense. He has to much on the line to lose if he lets Isabella know where he is. Or that we are even here in Riverview.”


“And besides, why would I want to rekindle with my big bro anyway? I’m clearly the better looking twin.” I only glanced in ‘Lukas’ direction for a moment, but in that moment I noticed enough.

“You are a father? I don’t know why but I really didn’t picture that!” I snarled. Like I would accept him as a brother?


“I don’t know what Mason sees in you, you’re a sharp tongued little thing aren’t you?” He matched my mocking tone perfectly.

“You’re one to talk!” I responded, while the toddler in his arms began to squirm. I didn’t want to look at her, in case my hatred weakened, but I just had to.


What a sweetheart she was! And although I saw a lot of her alleged mother in her, there was no mistaking the green eyes she had. Mason’s eyes. And she even looked a little like Fern in the face.

“Aww, look what you did, you made Hope struggle…Did the mean lady scare you baby?” He cooed while still glaring at me. Geesh, what was his problem?

“You named your daughter Hope?” I asked eyeing up Miracle…I see a pattern emerging.


Ignoring me for a moment, he held his daughter close and snuggled her lovingly. I tried not to see the similarities in his actions to Mason, but how could I not? Maybe…Maybe they were twins.

“I won’t let you come to harm. I may hate my brother for being the reason I suffered a fate no child should, but I won’t let an innocent be harmed because of it.”

I was taken aback. Just. “And what purpose is there for taking me?” I asked. That was the one thing that made no sense at all.


Miracle stepped forward slightly, as Lukas ignored my question and continued to tend to his daughter.

“You don’t know do you?” I asked them, still Lukas pretended like I wasn’t even there.

“Lukas intends to bargain with Isabella for my life by giving you back to your family.” She stated, glaring at her husband.

“Why would she agree to that?” I asked.


“Because…” She stopped as if she didn’t want to be the one to tell me. Well now she HAD to didn’t she? “Because if you’re missing Oak will no longer work for her, and she won’t continue your bloodline until she gets what she wants.”

My mind was all over the place. Oak was still here? And alive…And he didn’t give us any indication? “Then you know what she wants.”

“I do, not Miracle. I won’t let her know of her evil, and I won’t allow you either.”

I groaned…Somehow, I was going to get it out of him.


“Elizabeth has been taken? What a delightful development!” I had to resist all of the instincts that told me to attack her for taking delight in this…But I needed her on my side. So I grit my teeth and bore it.

“So you’re saying you didn’t take her?” I asked. Again. She has a habit of only hearing what she wants to hear. A habit I find annoying.

“Oak, I swore to you none of your family would come to harm as long as you do what I say, and I have kept to that agreement as I said.”


“Dammit Isabella! You said they wouldn’t come to harm, yet you let this happen?” I lashed out, which she smirked at. She thinks I’m to soft.

“I didn’t know that another coven was about…But I do have good news. I think I know who took her, and if that’s true, then I can easily retrieve her.” Again with the smirk.

And here comes the catch.

“And what do I need to do for you in order for you to get her back?”


She scoffed at that. “What makes you think I want something?” Even when she tries to act offended…It doesn’t work. “Ok I DO, but this is something we will both benefit from!”

“Then tell me so I can get this over with.” I said feeling defeated. I had the feeling I wouldn’t like this.


And there goes the devilish grin again. “What I want it what I asked for last we talked.”

I raised an eyebrow. “I don’t recall you asking for anything?”

She laughed. “I hired that little human for a reason Oak. Don’t pretend you don’t know she’s your soulmate.” She sneered. “And I want you to impregnate her. Simple really.”

…Oh that’s it? “Are you insane? My powers don’t work on her! I can’t FORCE her into sleeping with me!”

“You don’t need enhanced eyes for that Oak. Just be a guy, use your force, do some digging, I don’t know, just do it!”


So the next morning I returned home, where Trina was already hard at work sorting out my accounts and meetings..Despite my previous constant attempts at trying to get in her pants, she really was a hard worker. And thanks to the ‘digging’ I did, now I knew well.

“Morning Trina, reconsidered my more then generous offer yet?”


She ignored me as her fingers worked their magic almost dancing across the screen…It was somewhat hypnotic.

I felt sick to my stomach, but it had to be done. I leant against her desk, and looked away. “I don’t like to be ignored Miss Goldman. And if I don’t like something, I get rid of it.” I heard her stop typing immediately.

So her family really DID need her income? That made me feel worse.


“What exactly do you want from me Mr Reeves?” Her question was filled with so much venom..Honestly, it was nice to hear real emotions from a human, having everyone fall at your feet isn’t as great as it sounds.

“Simple Trina. We sleep together and I pay you. Like a….200% raise compared to your normal salary?”

I heard her breathe in deeply. Gritting her teeth. “And this will be a one time thing?”

I shrugged. “Depends on how well you do.” I felt the corners of my mouth turn slightly at that. “You in then Miss Goldman? Or do I need to put in a ad in the job seekers paper?”


In response I heard her chair drag across the floor as she stood. Great, so now I was paying girls into sleeping with me. For Isabella, the women my family hated…

What has become of me?



….And the worst thing was, when I was done the guilt was the only thing I felt…Well that and an amazing sense of perfection. Something about this girl really was different…

And something tells me blackmailing her probably isn’t the way to tell her that…

So I’m finally BACK ON WORDPRESS ❤ Yeah I know, wahoo and all that XD

So yes, for those of you who read my Tale Legacy…NOW WE KNOW WHERE MIRACLE WENT < XD

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4 Responses to Eternally Cursed – Chapter 2.7 Love’s Reunion

  1. Vessie says:

    Omg I loved it 😀

  2. rachemma says:

    YAY :DDD and WTF OAK. SERIOUSLY. I think Mason should’ve kicked his ass before making up with him XD That would be funny lol 😛 Great chapter! Glad you are back on wordpress! : D
    Rach x

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